I was waiting for a long stretch of nothing happening to post custom stuff so here it comes I haved added new screen shots for [D]Colem, FrNES, and NesterDC. You can get them on there individual pages...Read More
As we come along the days and things are at normal speed, it seems as if no one is in the chat room anymore. We want the chat room to be a place to talk about Dreamcast related things on one of the BE...Read More
Yep, bleem! has just updated their site with the great news that Dreamcast bleem for Metal Gear Solid has gone gold. However, they still need your help before it ships to stores! If you live in the Lo...Read More
As it seems our [D]Colem files were messed up in the last DiskJuggler release. I have re-uploaded the files and are ready to download both on the main server and the mirror. Please download them and t...Read More
Heliophobe has updated his SMEG Master System emulator site with some new interesting information on the progress he’s been making and some ideas he’s had for the emulators future. Also, h...Read More
After not receiving any mac tools for the longest time. A fellow visitors has taken some time to port some of the tools. BIFFA has ported the following: MakeIP.bin – This is the port of makeip f...Read More
SoHo has just released version 0.99 of his excellent Colecovision emulator for Dreamcast. New features include:Nice GUINo more bios fonts 😉Better fullscreen modeSpeed increaseMore romsYou don’...Read More
MultiPac, an arcade emulator featuring support for various games such as pacman, has been released for the Dreamcast. Currently it requires a keyboard for command lines and knowledge of setting up Kal...Read More
There haven’t been any major news updates about DoomDC recently, but many of you will be pleased to know that crt0 has just informed that v.003 alpha is currently being tested. He is currently w...Read More