Meant to get this up earlier, sorry!
The SegaDojo, has put their (well, Nick Schmidts, anyways) thoughts up on the whole bleem!/Sony fiasco up. Its a damn good read, and I like the articulation level on it (damn fine work, Nick!)
Why am I writing another article about bleem!? Well, talking can only do so much. Action needs to be taken, taken to the powers that be in your government, to your retailers… to Sony’s doorstep.
If you haven’t done so already, I emplore you to contact the United States Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commision (if you’re an American citizen, that is ;). Ask why Sony is being allowed to get away with this behavior. Contact your local retailers that are still bowing to Sony’s will, and not carrying Bleemcast!, ask them why they are not!
This is one of those things that someone could easily say, “I’m just one person, what difference can I make?” You can make all the difference in the world! Everyone has to help out on this, everyone has to pitch in.
Ask not what bleem! can do for you, ask what YOU can do for bleem!