GLTron port being worked on!

XDelusion randomly decided to email the author of GLTron and ask if he was making a port for dreamcast. Magically he is. Here is the email XDelusion recieved:

Actually, I’m just browsing the libdream documentation, and I think thatGLtron could be ported using libdream (well, most of it). Just saying “This should get ported” doesn’t help a lot.What’s needed for a DC port is:
– someone with good knowledge of the DC sound hardware, since the libdreaminterface is *low level*
– someone with good knowledge of the DC tile accelerator. Well, I’m willing toacquire that knowledge.
– someone to babysit me throught the DC devel basics (I have a dreamcast,keyboard, serial cable and a cd-burner)
– someone with some libdream experience would be very nice of course

I’m willing to invest considerable time into the porting project,but I’m not doing it alone. If you’re interested in finding these people (ormaybe you have one or more of the needed skills), and organizing the project,drop me a line.
– Andreas

Think you can give him a hand. Maybe just tell him his port would be nice. Also, maybe tell him about dcdev on irc 🙂 Just give him lots of POSITIVE emails and a port will be born. I bet you! 🙂 Email him here.