News update from Snoozys dev site

Heres a big news update from Snoozys Website and in his own words is the progress he has made.
By the end of this week, I will release a second version of dbp_image with much more advanced features.
Ooh well, I think I need to include a usermanual, because I made some nifty complex stuff for some functions 😉

New functions including:
Transparancy (color defined) – Scaling – Preloading and caching images – Support for animation sequences – layers and buffering
(This new version will also work on other modes, besides 640×480 (it will autodetect you screensize))

Status of Glyphix (Chessgame):
– Mainmenu and all submenu’s allready implemented and working.
– Preloading of ALL used images into memory for a faster game “feeling”.
– Animated background added to menu-system.(I’m proud of this one)

I will implement keyboard and mouse-support this week, and next weekend I will start the main game.
(So probably within a month or so, I will release this game)