NGine-SNES9x News!

Wow i haven’t posted any news in a long while! Ive been very busy and…well ill probabily post some news later about whats going on 🙂

Anyway the NGine-SNES9x homepage homepage has been updated with some news of what we should expect in the next release which should be released in
3-4 days! Here’s what tubooboo had to say:

Crash Bug (impacted 40% of all games that reset the DC after a few minutes) is fixed.
Preferences support! Save your favourite display mode and joypad config to the VMU and have it auto load these settings again when you load ngine.
SNES game display now (finally) correctly centered.
SNES game saving / loading 😀
Loading of splitted ROM images now works.
Full VMU control for the keyboard users (delete etc)
maybe) a VMU file editor.