NetBSD Port to dreamcast!

I was informed that a port of this has already been done and the progress is as shown. Thanks to SlashDot for the news.

“”The NetBSD/sh3 developer Saitoh Masanobu, who was able to boot the NetBSD/sh3 kernel on his Sega Dreamcast last summer, has now officially forked a NetBSD/dreamcast port. The Dreamcast effort will focus specifically on supporting the Dreamcast hardware, rather than just the Super-H processor contained within. Currently, it only boots into single-user mode, and the only function hardware is the serial port, but, hey — it’s a start.” This project ranks right up there with all the tivo hacking going on in my eyes. When all is said and done, we could have really inexpensive, but reasonably powerful machines to play with.”

This sounds great!!! Now only if we can get our hands on it.

FOr more info visit the following links.

Thanks to adnans and christian for the news as well.