DreamEMU status news!!!

Lord Cheese has just updated the DreamEmu homepage with some status news:

Sorry about the lack of updates latley, there just hasnt been much happening. I didn’t bother to do much coding over Christmas. I am re-writing the CPU to use a jump table instead of the switch statement to see if I can squeeze some more speed out of Dreamemu. I’m also going to redo the memory system aswell. I tweaked the emulation system a bit since last release and its going a bit faster now, prehaps 10%. I want the jump table to give me another 10% at least, but I’m not sure if I will get this. I’ll try other optimizations also. And I want to say that Dreamemu is not as slow as it looks. The CPU is slow anyway, and I hope to speed it up a bit, but the real bottle-neck is the graphics. However, I am drawing the frame after every instruction which is incorrect. In comparison, the N64 draws only every ~60,000 instructions. I’m not sure how often you have to update the screen but I will find out soon. Thats pretty much it. Later…

Lord Cheese