Capcom Emulation??

I just heard some great news Capcom is at work on an emulator that will allow their games to work on any of the next generation systems! This is excellent news. Here’s a quote of what they said:

The The Nihon Keizai Shimbun is reporting that Capcom has found a way to avoid the system wars. Apparently Capcom is working on emulation software that will allow their games to work on any of the next generation systems. Yes, you read that right.
Starting next fall Capcom will allow users of personal computers, PlayStation 2, Dreamcast, Xbox and GameCube to enjoy online matches with other players regardless of the machines they use. The goal is to eliminate the risk involved in developing products for one specific machine. The new games will help Capcom stabilize its revenue by making it less susceptible to the fluctuations in popularity of particular game consoles. The company intends to keep adding new titles to existing series of video games for individual machines, while releasing new games capable of overcoming operating system differences simultaneously for all major consoles.

“We expect to cut development costs about 25 percent thanks to the emulator software,” said Capcom spokesman Miho Hashimoto.

For more information, please visit the following link:

Capcom Emulation