Dreamcast Homebrew v4

Today Dreamcast Homebrew, the worlds biggest archive of Sega Dreamcast Amatuer games, demos, multimedia and ported games gets a fresh new look for the year 2005, this is the 4th change of look and redesign for the DC Homebrew site which has over 233 pages of Dreamcast releases.

I would like to personally thank Keith the webmaster of Emufanatics for graphics and the side columns.

DC Homebrew will again take its place as the premier Dreamcast site serving the likes of DCEmulation and DCEmu UK.

All releases in the next few weeks will be back up to date along with all Beats of Rage releases and Quake and Doom Mods (anyhelp would be appreciative).

DC Homebrew will also host a banner program like the one used at Consolevision so that any Dreamcast site can get some much needed exposure.

Check out Dreamcast Homebrews new look now.