Dream CPC Alpha 2

JMD posted this over at DCEmu UK about a new version of his Amstrad CPC Emu for Dreamcast.

“There are no new features: this version is only a bug correction / code improvement.

What’s new :
– Correct the sound render pbm that made it sound so bad : should be better
– Change the timing method : now the synchro isn’t each frame but every xx frames : a longer frame won’t slow down the emulator as before; the emu back fullspeed for most of the games
– Add a variable sound quality and auto frame skip : if the emu can’t still in time, it down sound rendering quality and add frame skip to try keep a constant frame rate. Not really perfect because most game doesn’t need this trick to be full speed and game with pbm (Robocop) near more than the time gained with this trick. Best than nothing :/.
– Update the Z80 core with the latest PC-CPC core.
– Add a lot of statistics
– Lot of code improvement
– Game now launch without the CPC file extension (ex : toto.bin will launch with run”toto )

should be better in this version:
– the sound
– the speed/timing
Not perfect
– all others bugs
– the speed on cybernoid And Robocop still not perfect (but it’s better)

Pbm on Camelot Warrior (no fx in game) and Prince of Persia (corrupted graphics ) are in PC-CPC too. I didn’t try to correct them.

Thanks to doragasu for bug report and everybody on the few Dreamcast/CPC forums for all the nice comments.

Please continue to reports bug/pbm.”

Download from Link above and thanks to JMD for a great release.