DC Homebrew News

Tonight sees the return of DC Homebrew our site which is the most complete site in not only the Dreamcast scene but probably the whole of the console scene.

First off ill explain what happenned, the ads on dchomebrew were took down to try and kill the popups but what we did was to go against the free hosting of Ztnet our gracious hosts. Not to mention the fact that times are hard and that they simply are struggling to meet the costs of bandwidth etc etc.

So with a big apology from me to them we have re added their code and they have re enabled DC Homebrew.

We shall be going over DC Homebrew and sorting it all out, if any of you can be a mirror for some of the bigger files that would be great.

Hopefully this will never happen again and i apologise for DC Homebrew being down.

Thanks to Zach of Ztnet for the great Free hosting. Now lets get back to enjoying our great site.
