
A new version of bloop has been released by Warmtoe, this release also comes with a special “Typing Of The bloop” variant as an added bonus. Snazzy! Here’s what’s new in this release plus some other info that Warmtoe posted in this forum topic:

  • start of a ‘main loop’ pre-game
  • effects (nasty plasma in demo and smoke in-game)
  • multiple hits test
  • typing of mode functional (although the ‘words’ that you get to type are a bit useless)
  • SBI produced using Selfboot Inducer v2.1 MakeSBI – not tested (feedback appreciated).

    Problem I have now is that I haven’t heard from the artist who was working on the targets, which is a shame – because that was looking nice and I have stalled on the code for this whilst doing some MAME stuff. But it will happen – have no fear.

    If you fancy getting involved to do some art for the game, drop me a line!

    You can download the bloop demo 180503 from here.