Another version of Reaper2k2’s fantastic Sys 16 emu for DC, heres whats new:
-fullscreen postion now right
-sound now much better
-sound does not have the tick buzzing sound in most games now
-fullspeed with out sound
-with sound its about fullspeed on most game’s not all
– new games supported
Some of the fix’s like the video mode are now fixed i could not stand the buzzing ticking now its gone if it does start up on a game some times
its due to the last game dirtying it so if you have a fav game select it first
the FM voices are harder to hear and not over loud now so 2 sound problems fixed THE SOUND IS NOW NOT tHE SAME so get verison 1 if you dont like it
Not all the games on the list work but they dont on mame36 16 ether as i added some more games all the one’s that worked before still work
and some new games plus all romsets of the same game like set 1 2 3 now are there to try
some of the newly support games have major problems and it will take porting the new mame system 16 driver to my source base
to fix them
ONLY TRY OUT RUN WITH the sound off its a dual system16 game so its 2 times as slow the analog stick is the steering wheel and to go forward press it forward and it works etc
Get from here (VGN mirror till ours is updated) and check out his site here for his other emu’s