R.A.D.Quake news

Reaper2k2 has posted some info on how his Quake port is coming along, here’s what he said about it in this Quake Dev topic:

“Well after weeks and weeks of working on the sound system ive got SDL sound working in RAD quake and not the other system that was pretty bad and making things slow down

problem is its not buffered right and is worst then the first sound system

still working on it ive got high res version now working better looking then the last one was at low res but at the same speed it does have borders top and bottom though

control of the joypad still is proving to be harder then it looks

keyboard control will still be used till that day

save support is not working yet it should but it does not im looking at some source from freesci for the save support

main thing is im not using a kos sound system and using sdl sound when i get the buffer problem right it be perfect sound at high sample rates

we all like good sound!”

You can download the first release of R.A.D.Quake & any new versions from the R.A.D.Quake homepage.