Sintendo Statement

A few days ago, Sin posted a message on the forums of his site. Here is his message:

It has been a great deal of time since I have updated this website, reviewed the posts here, or even touched the code for Sintendo.

In recent ponderings, I have wondered if what I have done is worth working further forward towards. While I am deeply satisfied with how far everything has come (some may not agree, but I doubt they are programmers), I still never got it as far as I had hoped.

The Dreamcast is all but a dead system. Many of us still use ours, I pop a disc in and play from time to time, but all of the effort I’ve put into Sintendo in the past, while not wasted, may fall on deaf ears if I continue to pursue the project, so long after the consoles unfortunate demise.

Work, as always, is a burden on a creative programmer’s time and imagination. I’ll not use that as an excuse for anything. I still program from time to time, but its been quite a while since I’ve approached anything that compares with the scope of Sintendo.

Never before or since have I conceived a project with such determination to see it through to even as close a level of completion. Anyone who programs (and some who don’t) should understand the year plus of plight that went into this project. I appreciate all of the support I have received over this time. I gratefully appreciate my host,, for keeping this site up more than a year after a single update.

I am by no means saying that Sintendo is a dead project. I am not quitting, per se. I am only trying to tell all of you, what few dedicated followers I may have left, that I have not worked on it for quite some time, and can’t necessarily forsee any time in the future when I will. I can not even promise that Sintendo *will* ever be worked on (by me at least), but I’d like to think that that’s not the case.

I have been dedicated to games programming since the age of 15. Now, 25, I still work towards the same goal. Sintendo bore me priceless experience in the console programming market that I will take with me in the future. Where it will lead? I can’t say for certain. I’d like to develop games for many years to come. Personally, and most importantly, I’d like to develop a game to completion. Perhaps we may some day see Sintendo on another console (although I currently own none to port it to). Time will tell.

Thank you all again for all the support I’ve received. I apologize for lack of adequete postings as well as lack of decisiveness.

Until another time,
