XDP3 v5 released

This news from DC Homebrew (bit late but better late than never :P)

XDP3 v5 released. Posted by zacmcd
Download the new release from the Dreamcast Homebrew XDP3 page.
If you have no idea what XDP3 is I suggest you read this fourm topic.

Here’s what FatheadPI has to say..
“What’s new in version 5?
XDP Core (PSOv2 Jap Based):
– Ch@btalk support implemented, related pvr files upgraded. Options setup page is still in Japanese, and the corresponging parts of Message.ini haven’t been translated yet, but all the menus load up. If someone wants to test it, go ahead, let me know how it works.

– Added programs page. The new release includes DCLoad, an excellent BBA / Serial Cable upload tool by AndrewK, and Vorlem, a Serial Cable based VMU file upload / download utility by Obsidian.

– Added media page, includes two sample midi files, which sound great under XDP.

– Changed a few pvr files around to make things a bit prettier and better.

– New Message.ini, doesn’t help much. I need someone who knows Japanese to help me with this part of the project.

Theres a lot more so for those interested, head on over to DC Homebrew