New Version of DCStella Released

Its been a long while since we have seen anything from Sven Oliver Moll but today he has released a new version of his excellent Atari 2600 emulator for Dreamcast called DCStella, heres whats new:

New release (V0.2d) with new features:
DCStella is now based on Stella 1.2, so it now works with more games like Pitfall 2.
Basic paddle support (try up/down on d-pad for diffrent modes).
Left trigger and right trigger are now also mapped to buttons C and Z for the arcade stick.
Swapping of joyports for Raiders Of The Lost Ark and others (use left trigger to swap after activating in the menu).
Thanks to a hint from Dan Potter, the author of KOS, sound now works like intended.
New and exciting features are already in the pipe, so stay tuned.

His site is at this address

A big thanks to Sven for the email and for his great emulator 😉