Project Katana News

Zacmcd posted this over at :

Turrican2K sent me this PM over at the Consolevision messageboards..

Just a quick Project Katana progress update.

There was a LOT of slowdown problems with the code. Mainly because of all the 32×32 pixel tiles were being collision tested.

I have abandined the grid structure and have all the items able to be anywhere and any size.

An idea I came up with was this. Since most games have enemy ships runing in fixed patterns or rails I thought ‘why not have them 100% controlled by enemy AI’. This used a LOT of CPU power and was the main reason why I had to rewrite the object collision code. Everything runs fast now, except for the fact that 1/2 of all enemies fly into the scenery and explode Although I know how to fix that.

I also have had to port all the Tile Accelerator code over to Kos-1.1.8 since it dumped the old compatability mode.

I didn’t release for a while because most changes were internal and didn’t ‘look’ any different to a tester of the game apart from the speedup.

Maybe a release next weekend. Hopefully this time.

Check out Turricans Site