DNA – a new beginning

VerticalE, Ragnorak2040 and Ikarius have announced a new project and this is what its all about in VerticalE’s words:

“dc n00bs anonymous” is a new group of developers aiming to help the newcomers of the DC dev scene. At current, we are a staff of three people; ragnarok2040, ikarius and VerticalE. We all work on the MSF team model principal, meaning everyone is equally important. Our goal is to help each other out, holding private lectures on programming, making tutorials and so on. We have also started on a small project called “Hell: in darkness they live”, which is a small RPG/adventure game engine demo (more info on this later). Seeing as ikarius has joined us, DreamScript is now one of our projects. What this means exactly for the future development of DreamScript needs to be seen.

I would also like to add that DNA is open for everyone who wants to join. THe only requirement is that you are willing to spend time learning how to code, as well as work in a team environment. Join us at #dcn00bs over at irc.webmaster.com, and we’ll have a chat


Interested then head over to the chatroom or check out the
Dreamscript Website