Feeltha Boom has sent in some great inlays for Nes Emulators heres what he said in the email “i worked very hard on these inlays for any nes emulator i hope u put them so people can use them and enjoyed them like i have “
Check em out in the https://dcemulation.org/covers/index.cgi?browse&CD%20Covers under NesterDC and filename Collage.
A person by the name of ?H???? has sent in two great movies for the VMU, called Megaman and Resident Evil, check em out in the https://dcemulation.org/covers/index.cgi?browse&Vmu%20Games
Also IM Weasel has made a Mac DC Roms.lst Creator, head on over to the https://dcemulation.org/mactools.htm to download this.
There will be another round up of news later in the day. Thanks to all those who have contributed to this newspost and im sorry for being so late uploading them to the site.