New KickA$$ MP3 Player :)

A new MP3 player called DreamMP3 has been released, its the best mp3 player I have seen for teh dc thus far, it has enhanced playlist. Some of the features include:
Compatible ISO9660 mode 2 : 32 characters long filename.
Play list
-Run/Stop play-list.
-Enqueue file.
-Insert file anywhere in play list.
-Insert directory recursively.
-Remove an entry.
-Find CD location of an entry.
-Load/Save from VMU *NOT* available
File info
-Mpeg audio decoder info :
-bit-rate [kbps].
-mpeg-layer [ I, II, III ].
-sampling rat.e
-channels mode [mono, stereo, dual, joint-stereo].
-ID3 info display (see tag list below).
-play time and duration.
-All File info are reported on VMU LCD.
-Nice realtime scope analyser.

Only ID3v2 compatible. ID3V1 not tested.

After ALL THAT Said, its sound great, don’t you agree? check it out.
Official Website or Download the nero image.