PCSX for DC Update

PSX Fanatics have updated their website with more news concerning PCSX for DC, here’s a bit of what is said on their site:

I think you can title it “PCSX (DC)” or something like that to distinguish it from the PC version. I changed only 6 files from the original PcSX version. 3 files to add my recompiler for the DC cpu and 3 to fix some alignment bugs. Two things from the original version are broken at the moment (BIOS key input and save/load of memcards).

For the skeptics in the forum 🙂 :
Theoretically all games working with PCSX (v1.3) and P.E.Op.S SoftGpu on the PC, should work on the DC. Of course there are some restiction: bugs I produced in the recompiler, alignment bugs I haven’t found at the moment, …

I promised linuzappz to send him some binaries tomorrow. These will include the SoftGpu, i.e. it will be slow. I didn’t measure it, but I estimate about 3 fps on games like Tomb Raider 4 (512×240 (?) and many polygons). The DC cpu isn’t designed for polygon filling. This is the work for the PowerVR chip. As stated in my last mail, I’m trying to write a version of the SoftGpu using the PowerVR chip, but I need more information on the PSX GPU like: could you change the contents of a texture page while sending polygons to the GPU.


PS: Again for the skeptics: linuzappz has the sources for the recompiler, so I didn’t “tarnish the PCSX project”.

Wanna read the rest then go toPSX Fanatics for the rest of the news and the latest updates.