DBZ Project Confirmed fake

Majinn, supposely coder of the DBZ game project that was over at the Klever Devers web-site, is now confirmed a fake. How is this so? He claims he now has lost the source code to the project, which obviously everybody doubts at the moment he ever worked on anything. Its also due to the lack of his knowledge of programing, the lack of technical updates, and the lack of faking the project. Screen shots that never made it on the Klever Devers web-site were obviously 100% fake too, due to the fact they where screen shots of the old SNES and NES games.

If you would like to contact Majin his AIM screen name is
Majin M SSJ2 ( MajinMSSJ2@aol.com )

His MSN Messenger nick name is prototestboy@hotmail.com

He deserves being punished, I do not see how he can get away for a fake either.

In other news the real Klever Dever team is going to be working on a real DBZ project to make up for this mess.

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