Turrican2k News

Turrican2k has updated his site with this news:

Well, this weekend I’m moving back to Uni and now have my ‘paid work’ job done, which leaves me with time again to work on DC things.

This week I’ve been working on a basic (and processorless hungry – if that’s a term 😉 ) KGL lighing system which should add a bit of realism to Neo Metropolis.

I’ve also been rewriting the Project Katana source to include the code improvements that were made from working on Neo Metropolis. AI has been added, but if the game was called “Kamikaze Space Invaders” the AI would be spot on, but since it’s not it still needs some work doing to it before release 😉

Check his site out at this addy http://turrican2k.sourceforge.net/