DreamMsx 02g Released

I recieved this email from Arnon Cardoso and thanks to him for updating the DreamMsx Emulator,here is what he sent me:

Hi,I’m sending to you a modified version of DreamMSX emulator. MSX was a famous computer here in Brazil and when Jos Kwanten released the emulator it quickly became the one most played by me.But,although having the option to select the mapper, it didn’t run games like Metal Gear Solid Snake and other ones that needed a mapper other than Konami/8kb. This was because of a silly bug on DreamMsx code that it’s fixed on this version. Also I’ve added keyboard support so users with keyboard can enjoy all games without problems. And the last
change was made in Z80 core to have it timing the opcodes correctly (last version didn’t take in account different speeds from each opcode). That’s why you’ll find the IPeriod to be bigger than the previous one. The default value of IPeriod should be fine to most games.To play Metal Gear Solid Snake it’s better to select uperiod = 1 and have the mapper to be Konami5/8kb. I think everyone should at least try this game.If anyone wants to know how the games on MSX is try Here . There is an applet with a MSX 1 emulator made by myself.Although the page is in Portuguese I think nobody will have problems using the applet. I recommend trying specially Megaram games. Metal Gear and Metal Gear Solid Snake aren’t there because they are MSX 2 games and the emulator currently doesn’t support MSX 2 or above.I haven’t tried burning this version on CD because I don’t have a burner, although it should work without problems. But it’s guaranteed to work using the serial cable.Best, Arnon Cardoso

Wow great work to download it click HERE