DC Hardware emu on Pc

I was sent an email today from a person called Marco who has revealed this information on a project called HardDream here is what it says:

> Dear dcemulation.org,
> I have spent now just on 13 months and a considerable amount of cash (read: 3 dreamcasts, 4 if you include the one plugged into my TV), on mounting the relevant DC parts (CPU, FPU, Chipsets et al.) onto a PCB recognisable and useful for the PC. I have taken quite a few screenshots of the “windows add-hardware wizard” screens, and have attached them to this e-mail accordingly. Anyway, the driver is currently in operation, allowing the DC hardware to send calls to the PC’s videocard (only tested with my GeForce2) and soundcard (my SBLive!).. this is the beginning of a very exciting era and could see the first fully functional DC emulator for the PC. I hope you recognise this enormity of this task on your page, and if you have anyy further questions I’d be happy to answer them via my friend Marco.

Obviously this is an email i received so i can not say whether this is truthful or not.I have set up a topic in the Hardware Forum for you all to discuss this news and your views on it, be it negative or positive.The topic can be located here