PS2 Vs Dreamcast!

There are many articles concerning the two consoles, but this article has the facts down. Sony has lied, cheated, stole, and bought out just to make itself the leading video game company. Thanks to Kami from IRC for finding this nice article, it was originally posted on

I remember when the PS2 was first announced and the technical specifications that were bandied about at that time: 75 million polygons/second, unlimited streaming texture potential, 48GB/s of memory bandwidth, and so on. It wasn’t long after this that technology analysts began to question Sony’s numbers.

Polygon Performance
The 75 million number was reduced to 66 million. Afterwards, it was admitted that these PS2 numbers were a peak performance figure for flat -shaded, identically shaped polygons. Unfortunately, the image of the PS2 as some sort of polygon monster had already become firmly entrenched in the minds of the mainstream media.

Read the rest of the article here.
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