Bleem!Cast Give Away Contest!

I have right here… 2 copies of Bleem!Cast, 1 for me and another extra copy. I am looking to give it away. What is that you say? You want it. Well, great! Now here are the rules.
DCEMU Needs a link button. A button to link to dcemu with. Multiple sizes would be good but just look at other link buttons on the net for good sizes. All submissions must be in by Saturday of this week. I will finalize the best 5 out of the ones I recieve then I will have a public vote on which one is the best and will get the Bleem!Cast for free.
Be sure when you email me to include your name and email address as well as the filename of your button. This helps keep everything organized.

One last thing, I need some FULL REVIEWS of Bleem!Cast which may include pics, comparisons, and everything from your own experiences.

The longer and more detailed the better be sure to compare it to the regular run of the muck emulators on the market.

This you do not get a prize for but I would not be giving away a free bleemcast if I did not get a nice review.