DCPhoenix 0.1 Released!

Although we heard nothing about its development it is definately being worked on. Its first release has been made and you can pick it up here at DCEMU 🙂 Here are full details.

Here is the email from the author:

This is my first main attempt at coding for the DC, so don’t expect much!
It’s a quick port of an old DOS/Allegro Phoenix emulator.

It seems to run ok for a while and then go a bit mad – probably due to my
quickly hacked graphics routines. I’m not sure why they initially work, and
then break – I’ll have to figure it out.

I’ll be releasing the source code once I’ve cleaned it up, so perhaps
someone clever can give me a hand.

No point making a CD image for now, as it’s so crap! Just pipe it to your
DC and play!

Well what are you waiting for. Go try it out here.