First Home Brewed Video Game!

I have been informed by Jitsbaki of a new home brewn video game being built. This new video game is being made for free and by some very professional people. Unfortunately, they are french and so its a bit hard to understand. The letter I got is not translated the greatest but it works. Anyways, here are the details:

Ky’s krew is made by Team KYS. Team KYS is composed of 12 french professionnal. They work in the video games world but we don’t know who they are.

*they created their own dev tools.This tools can be used for dc but also for others system(no name)
*It began on december. Graphics will be finished on april.
*It will looks like REvil on psone.They gonna have 2d graphics.
*But the team also work on a 3dengine.So maybe the game will incorporate it.
*They wish to add a online mode.
*It have a story. They gonna have fight. Fight will be in zelda -style aka realtime.Only the boss fight will be ffantasy-like.They also want to add MGS-action like. Two players mode.Vmu application. Digital voices like shen mue.They want to do a PROFESSIONNAL game.
* a demo will be release on june.It’s gonna have two players mode,some battle,mgs action like.

STORY: it’s the typical battle between good and evil.Dominia vs Gainer in
thiis case.Dominia is a goddess who create the a fairy world.This world is
under attack of Gainer.His attack failed because 4 archangels came and
defeated him.They were send by Dominia.So he lost but he promess to come back
every two thousand years.His soul was locked in a human body.And the
archangels give all their power in a magic sword.So every time evil come back
he have to fight against the hero who have the sword.But the sword begin to
lost his power and evil come back more frequently.At this time Ky (you) come.

You can find more info about it at: