Ngine Has A New Tool!

Tubooboo at has posted some news for the first time in awile her’s the scoop:
Most of you will ask me what the heck this is all about… Well I have reconsideredm y current debugging and development techniques (serial cable, printf for debugging), and found them…. unacceptable. So I spent some time and looked into the GdbStubs project… a Dreamcast client for this was released by the almighty Fulg (tonz of respect for that). So I decided to get it to work… 🙂 And eventually, after a lot of fiddling with linker issues that made the GUI debugger crash, finally, ngine development looks like this now (realtime, remote C++ code debugging for yer Dreamcast, i like it 😀

Shot from variable browser Shot from function browserShot from source code window

So whats your gain out of this? Well, for one, this is going to hugely speed up debugging times. The crashbug for example has been fully resolved. Also saving is now progressing very nicely… no release date yet, but it cannot be too long…

If anyone is interested how it is done, write on the Developer messageboard, and I ll try to help.
