Boob Site Boob!Boy Update!

The people at boob have given us an update on the boobboy emulator. Which is as follows.

“I had the first bit of time to do some work on Boob!boy today for a while, and after a bit of chatting with Tubooboo, who noticed that one of the functions was looking a bit suspect, I looked at it again and realised that i had been making it do the same line of code 57334 times, completely unnecessarily! I tested this version out on the dreamcast and it seems to be running Super Mario Land full speed, but on the other hand Who Wants to be a millionaire ran very slowly… although this was burnt to a 2nd session :-). I don’t see why this should make any difference, since the roms are obviously loaded into memory anyway. Also, there are a few controller bugs that i’ve got to fix aswell that have been discovered… expect more progress soon!”

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