Giana’s Return – Lavaworld Screenshots Prefinal 2 & Music & SFX update!

Another update on

Music & SFX update!
Musicmaster Alexander “Op3rator” Oldemeier came up with new tune previews 
today. It’s pretty amazing and rockz the house. If it will happen that Giana’s 
Return is unplayable or crap, at least the music will save everything  

Alex’s extraordinary depressive chipmusic style is really a gift for the  
Thank you for your work!

Lavaworld Screenshots Prefinal 2
The lava world has got some tuning and looks much better than before. Here is 
the proof:
Additional to the screenshots there are of course more news. The lava world is 
fully converted to the new set, which makes a sum of 28 complete levels. We 
are working on three more worlds and then we can consider this game finalized.

Unfortunatly we won't make the release at end of April, but we had neat 
progress almost every day of the week and hope to keep the speed.

Source: (1)/