Tyne has reported in this thread in our forums that Stealth Quake 1.2 has been released.
Version 1.2 of Stealth Quake has been released, this is more than likely the final release and is a major upgrade from previous versions which are no longer available; the changelog is below. - Image flashes no longer occur on non-lovecraftian creatures - Updated findradius(); to searchradius(); in several instances allowing the WinQuake and Darkplaces version to behave more alike - Jump button no longer respawns player, only fire as told in death description - Self-talk only occurs during idle time - Proper death animation is now played when rock is selected - Additional sound ques properly cleared on death - More frags now indicate who died the most, or betrayed the team most (team kills) - Sneaking speed is less framerate dependant - Fixed restarting of a level even if a player is still alive - Players entering a game with 0 lives left are now made observers instead of players - Rare instance of player allowed to throw rocks / shoot the pistol while in camera mode fixed - Camera is improved - Players who are targetted by an enemy can no longer stealth kill that monster, yet another player still can (thus allowing another player to save a friend) this also mean you're not able to perform a running stealth kill (considered a minor exploit) - Stealth kill 'vision' widened, you must hit their back a bit more accurately now - Brand new roaming AI, based on some of The Ascension of Vigil code as well as general AI improvements - More sounds added to help the atmosphere - Balance tweaks that help prevent speed running, as well as making more logical gameplay sense - Fixed FOV not being reset when falling out of a Shamblers vision in certain circumstances - The death music track now plays for observers - Observers can now restart the round by pressing fire when everyone is dead and out of lives - Wall tucking properly narrows a monsters vision cone making it even more effective than sneaking - Fixed a bug where if a monster killed a player, they'd always move towards the player unless distracted - Kill command works, doesn't take away from the lives pool - Crosshair turns off when walltucking and renables when not - Upgraded models for the pistol and bullets - If the player is killed by certain attacks they're now gibbed - DP Only: Client side prediction is turned on when not sneaking, helps running away / lag
Source: DCEmulation forums