PayToPlay Makaron an April Fool’s Joke

As quite expected, the PayToPlay announcement regarding the Windows Dreamcast emulator Makaron was indeed an early March 31st April Fool’s joke. Deunan wrote on his blog today:

Originally I intended to "disappear" for a week (just like last time) and have my
fun reading the comments, hate mail and cursing. Unfortunately not that many
sites picked up on this idea of mine and so I'll have to cut it short. Pity.

I especially enjoyed the threats to move to another emulator. How silly is that?
Folks, you're free to do that anytime you want and you don't need my permission.
Really. Let's face it - most of you got angry because you took free Makaron for
granted and now I was about to take it away from you. You got all cozy thinking
you somehow deserve it. Well... think again.

Having said that - hook, line AND SINKER, people :)

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